
112 Einträge « 2 von 3 »


Bruyns, Peter; Klak, Cornelia; Hanáček, P.

Two New Species of Ceropegia (Apocynaceae) from Tropical Africa Artikel

In: Haseltonia, Bd. 29, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter:


Alharbi, Samah; Qthanin, Rahmah Al

Taxonomic revision of Ceropegia sec. Huernia (Asclepiadoideae–Apocynaceae) in Saudi Arabia with four new combinations Artikel

In: ARPHA Preprints, Bd. 1, S. e58902, 2020.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter:


Dortort, Fred

Some Succulents of South Africa’s Northeast Corners Artikel

In: Cactus and Succulent Journal, Bd. 91, Nr. 4, S. 228 – 250, 2019.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter:


Shuttleworth, Adam

Smells like debauchery: the chemical composition of semen-like, sweat-like and faintly foetid floral odours in Xysmalobium (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) Artikel

In: Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, Bd. 66, S. 63–75, 2016.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Xysmalobium stockenstromense



Statistics: Red List of South African Plants version 2014.1 Artikel

In: 2014.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Stapelia glanduliflora

Bruyns, Peter V

The Apocynaceae of Namibia Artikel

In: 2014.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Apocynaceae, Australluma, Baynesia, Brachystelma, Ceropegia, Duvalia, Hoodia, Huernia, Huernia oculata, Huernia plowesii, Huerniopsis decipiens, Larryleachia, Namibia, Orbea, Orbeanthera, Piaranthus, Quaqua, Stapelia, Stapelia flavopurpurea, Stapeliopsis, Tavaresia, Tridentea, Tromotriche


Snijman, Deirdré Anne; others,

Plants of the Greater Cape Floristic Region. 2: The Extra Cape flora. Buch

South African National Biodiversity Institute, 2013.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter:


Cullen, James; Knees, Sabina G; Cubey, Suzanne H; Shaw, JMH

The European garden flora flowering plants: a manual for the identification of plants cultivated in Europe, both out-of-doors and under glass Buch

Cambridge University Press, 2011.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia macrocarpa, Huernia namaquensis, Huernia thuretii, Stapelia glanduliflora


Bester, SP

Riocreuxia genus. Artikel

In: 2010.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Riocreuxia torulosa

Bester, SP

Tavaresia barklyi (Dyer) NE Br.(Apocynaceae). Artikel

In: 2010.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Tavaresia barklyi


Herrera, I; Nassar, J M

Reproductive and recruitment traits as indicators of the invasive potential of Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Crassulaceae) and Stapelia gigantea (Apocynaceae) in a Neotropical arid zone Artikel

In: Journal of Arid Environments, Bd. 73, Nr. 11, S. 978 – 986, 2009, ISSN: 0140-1963.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Alien invasion, Arid zones, Baker’s Law, Clonal, Exotic species, Reproductive biology, Seed bank, Vegetative growth


Schmelzer, Gaby H; Gurib-Fakim, Ameenah

Medicinal plants 2 Buch

Prota, 2008.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia keniensis


Riser, James P

Stapeliads of Southern Africa and Madagascar (volume I & II) Buch

JSTOR, 2007.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Orbea, Stapelia

Villiers, AT De

Stapeliads of southern Africa and Madagascar, Peter V. Bruyns, Umdaus Press, Hatfield, 600 pp in 2 Hard Cover Volumes, ISBN 1-919766-37-5 and-38-3, R1400-00, Email: umdaus@ succulents. net Buch

Elsevier, 2007.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Duvalia elegans, Huernia barbata, Huernia guttata, Huernia hystrix, Huernia kennedyana, Huernia longituba, Huernia namaquensis, Huernia pendula, Huernia piersii, Huernia procumbens, Huernia quinta, Huernia thuretii, Huerniopsis decipiens, Orbea, Orbea namaquensis, Orbeanthus conjunctus, Orbeanthus hardyi, Piaranthus geminatus, Stapelia divaricata, Stapelia flavopurpurea, Stapelia glanduliflora, Stapelia hirsuta, Tavaresia barklyi


Carbutt, C; Edwards, TJ

The endemic and near-endemic angiosperms of the Drakensberg Alpine Centre Artikel

In: South African Journal of Botany, Bd. 72, Nr. 1, S. 105–132, 2006.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Schizoglossum flavum, Schizoglossum hilliardiae


Setshogo, Moffat; others,

Preliminary checklist of the plants of Botswana Artikel

In: 2005.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia longituba

Kobisi, Khotso

Preliminary checklist of the plants of Lesotho Artikel

In: 2005.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Xysmalobium stockenstromense

Bruyns, Peter V

Stapeliads of southern Africa and Madagascar Buch

Umdaus Press, 2005.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter:


Meve, Ulrich; Liede, Sigrid

Subtribal division of Ceropegieae (ApocynaceaeAsclepiadoideae) Artikel

In: Taxon, Bd. 53, Nr. 1, S. 61–72, 2004.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Riocreuxia torulosa


Germishuizen, Gerrit; Meyer, NL2003; others,

Plants of southern Africa: an annotated checklist Buch

National Botanical Institute Pretoria, 2003.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia barbata, Huernia guttata, Huernia hystrix, Huernia namaquensis, Huernia oculata, Huernia piersii, Huernia plowesii, Huernia quinta, Stapelia flavopurpurea, Stapelia hirsuta


Bruyns, PV; Miller, AG

Socotrella, a new genus of Stapeliad (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae) from the Island of Socotra Artikel

In: Novon, S. 330–333, 2002.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Socotrella dolichocnema

Eggli, Urs

Illustrated Handbook of succulent plants Buch

Springer, 2002.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Pachypodium lamerei

Albers, Focke; Meve, Ulrich

Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Asclepiadaceae: Asclepiadaceae Buch

Springer Science & Business Media, 2002.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Cynanchum perrieri, Echidnopsis cereiformis, Huernia erinacea, Huernia hystrix, Huernia keniensis, Huernia longituba, Huernia macrocarpa, Huernia namaquensis, Huernia pendula, Huernia piersii, Huernia plowesii, Huernia procumbens, Huernia quinta, Huernia rosea, Huernia schneideriana, Orbea wissmannii, Stapelia glanduliflora, Stapelia hirsuta, Tavaresia barklyi


Slageren, Michiel Van

Wildflowers of Saudi Arabia Artikel

In: Kew Bulletin, Bd. 56, Nr. 4, S. 1021, 2001.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia macrocarpa

Arroyo-Leuenberger, Silvia; Bayer, MB; Bogner, J; Eggli, U; Forster, PI; Hunt, DR; van Jaarsveld, EJ; Meyer, NL; Newton, LE; Rowley, GD; others,

Illustrated handbook of succulent plants: Monocotyledons Buch

Springer Science & Business Media, 2001.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter:


Goldblatt, Peter; Manning, John; others,

Cape plants: a conspectus of the Cape flora of South Africa. Buch

National Botanical Institute, 2000.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia namaquensis

Jaarsveld, Ernst Van; Wyk, Ben-Erik Van; Smith, Gideon

Succulents of South Africa: a guide to the regional diversity Buch

Tafelberg, 2000.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Stapelia glanduliflora


Dunbar, Kelly R; Facelli, José M

The impact of a novel invasive species,Orbea variegata(African carrion flower), on the chenopod shrublands of South Australia Artikel

In: Journal of Arid Environments, Bd. 41, Nr. 1, S. 37 – 48, 1999, ISSN: 0140-1963.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: annual species, interference, invasive species, shrublands, soil seed bank, water dynamics

Gandhi, Ram

Carallumas of the Indian subcontinent Buch

R. Gandhi, 1999.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Bibliothek


Cavanaugh, Martin A

The American Horticultural Society AZ Encyclopedia of Garden Plants Artikel

In: Reference & User Services Quarterly, Bd. 37, Nr. 4, S. 341–342, 1998.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia macrocarpa


Verhoeven, RL; Venter, HJT

The translator of Raphionacme (Periplocaceae) Artikel

In: South African Journal of Botany, Bd. 63, Nr. 1, S. 46–54, 1997.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Raphionacme procumbens

Retief, Elizabeth; Herman, PPJ; others,

Plants of the northern provinces of South Africa: keys and diagnostic characters. Buch

National Botanical Institute, 1997.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia procumbens


Meve, U

The genus Piaranthus R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) Artikel

In: Bradleya, Bd. 12, S. 102 – 57, 1994.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Piaranthus geminatus

Sajeva, Maurizio; Costanzo, Mariangela

Succulents: the illustrated dictionary Buch

Timber Press, 1994.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Stapelia glanduliflora


Focke Albers, Ulli Meve

Sukkulenten-Lexikon Bd 3 Buch

Ulmer Verlag, 1990, ISBN: 978-3-8001-3982-8.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Duvalia elegans, Echidnopsis nubica, Edithcolea grandis, Focke, Hoya carnosa, Huernia guttata, Huernia kennedyana, Huernia rosea, Huernia thuretii, Huerniopsis decipiens, Meve, Orbea, Orbea nam, Orbea namaquensis, Orbea wissmannii, Orbeanthus conjunctus, Orbeanthus hardyi, Piaranthus geminatus, Stapelia, Stapelia divaricata, Stapelia flavopurpurea, Sukkulenten-Lexikon, Tavaresia barklyi


Leach, LC

A revision of Huernia R. Br.(Asclepiadaceae) Buch

Aloe, Cactus and Succulent Society of Zimbabwe, 1988.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia erinacea, Huernia longituba, Huernia procumbens


Collenette, Sheila

Illustrated guide to the flowers of Saudi Arabia Buch

Scorpion, 1985.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Bibliothek


Kupicha, FK

Studies on African Asclepiadaceae Artikel

In: Kew Bulletin, S. 599–672, 1984.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Schizoglossum flavum, Schizoglossum hilliardiae

Kupicha, FK

Studies on African Asclepiadaceae Artikel

In: Kew Bulletin, S. 599–672, 1984.

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Barkhuizen, BP

Succulents of South Africa Artikel

In: Prunell, Cape Town, 1978.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Tavaresia barklyi


Shinners, Lloyd H

Texas Asclepiadaceae other than Asclepias Artikel

In: SIDA, Contributions to Botany, Bd. 1, Nr. 6, S. 358–367, 1964.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Funastrum cynanchoides

Shinners, Lloyd H

Texas Asclepiadaceae other than Asclepias Artikel

In: SIDA, Contributions to Botany, Bd. 1, Nr. 6, S. 358–367, 1964.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Pergularia daemia


Bally, Peter René Oskar

The genus Echidnopsis in tropical east Africa Artikel

In: The Cactus and Succulent Journal of Great Britain, Bd. 18, Nr. 4, S. 107–109, 1956.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Echidnopsis cereiformis


Lückhoff, Carl August

stapelieae of Southern Africa Artikel

In: 1952.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Stapelia glanduliflora


Higgins, Vera

Succulent plants illustrated Artikel

In: 1949.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia keniensis


Berger, Alwin

Stapelieen und kleinien: einschliesslich einiger anderer verwandter sukkulenten. Beschreibung und anleitung zum bestimmen der wichtigen arten mit kurzer angabe über die kultur Buch

E. Ulmer, 1910.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Orbea namaquensis


Don, George

A general system of gardening and botany: containing a complete enumeration and description of all plants hitherto known with their generic and specific characters, places of growth, time of flowering, mode of culture and their uses in medicine and domestic economy: preceded by introductions to the Linnaean and Natural Systems and a glossary of the terms used; founded upon Miller’s Gardener’s Dictionary and arranged according to the Natural System; in four volumes Buch

Rivington, 1834.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Stapelia glanduliflora


Smith, James Edward

Exotic Botany: Consisting of Coloured Figures, and Scientific Descriptions, of Such New, Beautiful, Or Rare Plants as are Worthy of Cultivation in the Gardens of Britain; with Remarks on Their Qualities, History, and Requisite Modes of Treatment Buch

R. Taylor and Company, Black Horse Court, Fleet Street, 1804.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Stapelia glanduliflora


America, South

Succulent Flora of Southern Africa. By Doreen Court (revised Artikel

In: 0000.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia namaquensis, Huernia procumbens, Huernia thuretii, Stapelia glanduliflora

Goldblatt, Peter; Manning, John; others,

Cape plants: a conspectus of the Cape flora of South Africa. Buch

National Botanical Institute, 0000.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Huernia pendula

112 Einträge « 2 von 3 »